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Intuition - The Josephine Porter Institute

Apr 7, 2023


Steiner's impulse is distinct. He is not advocating going "back" to a conception-free world, nor does he side on mere systematized conceptual thought. Instead, he urges us towards recovering intuition in the midst of scientific development and transforming the sciences so that they, once again, serve LIFE and not mere POWER.
Healthiness - The Josephine Porter Institute

Apr 5, 2023


If we wish to have healthy plants, we should consider using healthy inputs. But that means reaching beyond soluble fertilizers which, let's face it, are not alive enough to be "healthy." Now, a particular chemical may be healthy or unhealthy for a living organism, but if we wish to foster healthy plants, we need to add heathliness back to the soil.
Love & Farming - The Josephine Porter Institute

Apr 3, 2023

Love & Farming

Do you need biodynamics? Not if you really love your land. I don't mean loving your land in a mere affectionate way. ...
Music of the Spheres - The Josephine Porter Institute

Mar 24, 2023

Music of the Spheres

Everything relates to everything else, so to create holistic fertilizers, we should include "a bit of everything" in a way that mirrors the manifesting power of Creation itself.
The World of Ideas - The Josephine Porter Institute

Mar 22, 2023

The World of Ideas

What is believed must not just be affirmed, but deeply loved and valued and felt if it is to motivate fruitful action in the world. It is a danger to try to memorize biodynamic theory as if it is a recipe. Biodynamics should be born out of love for our neighbors and love of the source of all. Always remember that we are in service to life. 
Beyond Organic - The Josephine Porter Institute

Mar 20, 2023

Beyond Organic

Biodynamics helps you go beyond merely avoiding what is toxic and helps you include what is vitalizing.
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