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First Rule of Intitiation - The Josephine Porter Institute

Jun 12, 2023

First Rule of Intitiation

If we don't first accept there's a problem we also can't fix it. So the first step is not hiding in denial but accepting the exact conditions as they are and looking within those for hidden possibilities. This is the very basis of fertility for the farm organism and even the emergence of the biodynamic preparations from latent potential in manure and humble weeds.
Buddhist Biodynamics - The Josephine Porter Institute

Jun 2, 2023

Buddhist Biodynamics

Steiner suggests that Jesus symbolically curses the fig tree because it was under the bodhi tree (ficus religiosa) that the Buddha attained his enlightenment. Incidentally, the bodhi tree is a a fig tree. What is suggested here is that the wellspring that had been the Buddha was now to give way to a newer and fuller expression in Christianity. 
Light Ether - The Josephine Porter Institute

May 19, 2023

Light Ether

The value of humus comes from light. As such, it's easy to see why cultures would venerate the Sun. The Sun shines on the righteous and wicked alike, sharing with impartiality to all. If we wish to make plants more receptive to the light streaming in from the cosmos, we must add some carefully decomposed byproducts of light (humus and biodynamic preparations) so the plants "remember" who they are.
Alchemy & Crucifixion - The Josephine Porter Institute

May 8, 2023

Alchemy & Crucifixion

In alchemy, this mirrors the process of distillation. Alchemical mercury and sulfur (oil and alcohol) both distill readily when heated. This is Christ and the Good Thief. But the bad thief is the "mark" -- the leftover plant materials after extracting the distillate. The leftovers must be burned at high temperatures called "calcination" (from the word chalk). 
CHRISTUS VERUS LUCIFERUS - The Josephine Porter Institute

May 5, 2023


The saying "Christus verus luciferus" means Christ is the true light-bearer, which overcomes the one-sided prejudices both of Lucifer and of Ahriman. Whatever light Lucifer has is a dim reflected light, as Venus has but a dim reflection of the Sun's light.
Gifts for the Soil - The Josephine Porter Institute

May 1, 2023

Gifts for the Soil

With biodynamics we are gifting to the soil a concentration of forces and a kind of "sweetness" that naturally wouldn't occur by chance in nature. And that is the secret of alchemy: taking things to their fulfillment when Nature, left to herself, could not do so.
The Way, the Truth, and the Life - The Josephine Porter Institute

Apr 28, 2023

The Way, the Truth, and the Life

Biodynamics centers around fostering, of these three, LIFE. How people choose to use their life remains under their o...
Spiritual Farming - The Josephine Porter Institute

Apr 12, 2023

Spiritual Farming

In biodynamics, we collect what would normally disperse to the universe, particularly the reproductive energy of innocent flowers. We collect this outward moving desire, contain it, and then introduce this energy to the roots of plants. How often do essential oils diffuse down into the soil? Not often! 
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