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117 products

Biodynamic Valerian Preparation - Valeriana officinalis - (BD #507) BD Compost Preparation / Soil Accelerant / Frost Protection

Biodynamic Valerian Preparation - Valeriana officinalis - (BD #507) BD Compost Preparation / Soil Accelerant / Frost Protection

Gardening for Life: The Biodynamic Way by Maria Thun

Gardening for Life: The Biodynamic Way by Maria Thun

Weeds and What They Tell Us by Ehrenfried E. Pfeiffer

Weeds and What They Tell Us by Ehrenfried E. Pfeiffer

The Biodynamic Year: Increasing Yield, Quality and Flavor by Maria Thun

The Biodynamic Year: Increasing Yield, Quality and Flavor by Maria Thun

Biodynamic Beekeeping: A Sustainable Way to Keep Happy, Healthy Bees by Matthias Thun

Biodynamic Beekeeping: A Sustainable Way to Keep Happy, Healthy Bees by Matthias Thun

Bees by Rudolf Steiner

Bees by Rudolf Steiner

The Plant Volume 2: Flowering Plants by Gerbert Grohmann

The Plant Volume 2: Flowering Plants by Gerbert Grohmann

Nature Spirits: Selected Lectures by Rudolf Steiner

Nature Spirits: Selected Lectures by Rudolf Steiner

Pfeiffer's Introduction to Biodynamics by Ehrenfried Pfeiffer

Pfeiffer's Introduction to Biodynamics by Ehrenfried Pfeiffer

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Sacred Agriculture by Dennis Klocek

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Sacred Agriculture by Dennis Klocek

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The Holistic Orchard: Tree Fruits And Berries The Biological Way by Michael Phillips

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The Holistic Orchard: Tree Fruits And Berries The Biological Way by Michael Phillips

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The Barefoot Farmer: The Best of the Barefoot Farmer by Jeff Poppen

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The Barefoot Farmer: The Best of the Barefoot Farmer by Jeff Poppen

Mycorrhizal Planet by Michael Phillips

Mycorrhizal Planet by Michael Phillips

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A Lively Hive by Alex Tuchman

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A Lively Hive by Alex Tuchman

Lost Knowledge of the Imagination by Gary Lachman

Lost Knowledge of the Imagination by Gary Lachman

Gardening for Health and Nutrition: An Introduction to the Method of Biodynamic Gardening by John & Helen Philbrick

Gardening for Health and Nutrition: An Introduction to the Method of Biodynamic Gardening by John & Helen Philbrick

Toward Saving the Honey Bee by Gunther Hauk

Toward Saving the Honey Bee by Gunther Hauk

The Illustrated Calendar of the Soul by Rudolf Steiner. Illustrated by Anne Stockton

The Illustrated Calendar of the Soul by Rudolf Steiner. Illustrated by Anne Stockton

The Apple Grower: A Guide For the Organic Orchardist by Michael Phillips

The Apple Grower: A Guide For the Organic Orchardist by Michael Phillips

The Cycle of the Year by Rudolf Steiner

The Cycle of the Year by Rudolf Steiner

Thinking Like a Plant: A Living Science for Life by Craig Holdrege

Thinking Like a Plant: A Living Science for Life by Craig Holdrege

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The Handbook of Rising Pictures by Janet Barker

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The Handbook of Rising Pictures by Janet Barker

Nutrition: A Holistic Approach by Rudolf Hauschka

Nutrition: A Holistic Approach by Rudolf Hauschka

The Wholeness of Nature: Goethe's Way Toward a Science of Conscious Participation in Nature by Henri Bortoft

The Wholeness of Nature: Goethe's Way Toward a Science of Conscious Participation in Nature by Henri Bortoft

Sensitive Crystallization Processes: A Demonstration of Formative Forces in the Blood by Ehrenfried Pfeiffer

Sensitive Crystallization Processes: A Demonstration of Formative Forces in the Blood by Ehrenfried Pfeiffer

The Spiritual Foundations of Beekeeping by Iwer Thor Lorezen

The Spiritual Foundations of Beekeeping by Iwer Thor Lorezen

Sensitive Beekeeping: Practicing Vulnerability and Nonviolence with Your Backyard Beehive by Jack Bresette-Mills

Sensitive Beekeeping: Practicing Vulnerability and Nonviolence with Your Backyard Beehive by Jack Bresette-Mills

The Best of the Barefoot Farmer II by Jeff Poppen

The Best of the Barefoot Farmer II by Jeff Poppen

New Eyes for Plants: A Workbook for Observing and Drawing Plants by Margaret Colquhoun Illustrated by Axel Ewald

New Eyes for Plants: A Workbook for Observing and Drawing Plants by Margaret Colquhoun Illustrated by Axel Ewald

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Wisdom of The Bees: Principles for Biodynamic Beekeeping by Erik Berrevoets

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Wisdom of The Bees: Principles for Biodynamic Beekeeping by Erik Berrevoets

Reading the Agriculture Courses ~ Online Monthly

Reading the Agriculture Courses ~ Online Monthly

What Is Biodynamics? By Rudolf Steiner

What Is Biodynamics? By Rudolf Steiner

Warmth Course by Rudolf Steiner

Warmth Course by Rudolf Steiner

The Light Root: Nutrition of the Future; A Spiritual-Scientific Study by Ralf Roessner and Clemens Hildebrandt

The Light Root: Nutrition of the Future; A Spiritual-Scientific Study by Ralf Roessner and Clemens Hildebrandt

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The Living Origin of Rocks and Minerals by Walther Cloos

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The Living Origin of Rocks and Minerals by Walther Cloos

Goethean Science By Rudolf Steiner

Goethean Science By Rudolf Steiner

Complimentary Articles on Biodynamic Preparations

Each JPI preparation product comes with instructions. However, complimentary articles and instructions sheets
for biodynamic preparations are also available.

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