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Mice: A Farmer's Best Friend - The Josephine Porter Institute

Jul 29, 2023

Mice: A Farmer's Best Friend

When we consider Steiner's indications on "pest peppers" (remedies made to combat pests and weeds), you take the weed seed and destroy them either by fire or by rotting. Consider the rodent: the rodent lives primarily off seeds and yet, due to its incredibly inefficient digestive system, the rodent must consume its own feces to extract nourishment. What this really means is that rodents leave behind much of the vital potential of seeds when they eat them. The manure of rodents in the garden are nature's pest peppers. 
Secondary Objectivity - The Josephine Porter Institute

Jul 3, 2023

Secondary Objectivity

If biodynamics is used as a "magic potion" to fix all of a farmer's problems, the farmer is likely to judge biodynamics as "not working" even though biodynamic preparations never claimed to be such a panacea. If, on the other hand, biodynamics is used as a further expression of a farmer's love for the land and for fellow human beings, it can only improve the farm.
Cows Create Meadows - The Josephine Porter Institute

Jun 24, 2023

Cows Create Meadows

In Karl König's fascinating work Earth and Man he proposes that specific animals create landscapes like themselves. In particular, one that stands out for biodynamic practitioners is the cow, which, König suggests, creates meadows.
First Rule of Intitiation - The Josephine Porter Institute

Jun 12, 2023

First Rule of Intitiation

If we don't first accept there's a problem we also can't fix it. So the first step is not hiding in denial but accepting the exact conditions as they are and looking within those for hidden possibilities. This is the very basis of fertility for the farm organism and even the emergence of the biodynamic preparations from latent potential in manure and humble weeds.
Grace & Gratituity - The Josephine Porter Institute

May 29, 2023

Grace & Gratituity

Biodynamics embodies a return-gift to the Earth, without which we cannot survive. The Earth will undoubtedly persist in its own way if we were not here, but what happens if we undermine our own conditions for survival here? The Earth asks so little -- merely a gesture of thanks such as the biodynamic preparations. The Earth needs so little. 
Fertility is a Marriage - The Josephine Porter Institute

May 22, 2023

Fertility is a Marriage

Even Steiner says in the Agriculture Course that it is virtually "inconceivable" to consider farming these days -- in 1924 -- without a tractor. He was not recommending a return to draft power or doing away with technology but rather making sure that technology must serve LIFE. 
What is Biodynamic Wine? - The Josephine Porter Institute

May 17, 2023

What is Biodynamic Wine?

Biodynamic wine is an all-natural approach to viticulture that emphasizes the unique character of each individual farm's soil and climate. In the wine world, the distinctness of each different soil is called terroir (related to the Latin word terra, "earth"). Often wines are Demeter Certified, guaranteeing that they not only meet an organic standard of avoiding synthetic fertilizers and avoiding synthetic pesticides but also including specific regenerative and biodynamic elements.
Freedom & Farming - The Josephine Porter Institute

May 1, 2023

Freedom & Farming

Imagine every farm being free in itself (freedom within the boundaries of the farm), of itself (free from dependence on outside inputs), and for itself (free to pursue its own creative expression within the farm). Moreover, imagine countries doing the same. People ask, "Is biodynamics scalable?" If it means freedom, then, yes, it's one of the only things worth scaling.
Gifts for the Soil - The Josephine Porter Institute

May 1, 2023

Gifts for the Soil

With biodynamics we are gifting to the soil a concentration of forces and a kind of "sweetness" that naturally wouldn't occur by chance in nature. And that is the secret of alchemy: taking things to their fulfillment when Nature, left to herself, could not do so.
Devils & Angels - The Josephine Porter Institute

Apr 26, 2023

Devils & Angels

In Steiner's terminology, there are two aspects to what is often described as a single being in conventional Christia...
Leavening Your Soil - The Josephine Porter Institute

Apr 26, 2023

Leavening Your Soil

The biodynamic preparations work a bit like specialized "yeasts" in compost and create a better final product. Are the biodynamic preparations absolutely necessary? 
Rudolf Steiner - The Josephine Porter Institute

Apr 24, 2023

Rudolf Steiner

How do we restore healthy life to the soil? We do this with responsible common sense farming, incorporating the latest scientific research plus biodynamic preparations. We don't have to exclude anything that works.
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