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Light Ether - The Josephine Porter Institute

May 19, 2023

Light Ether

The value of humus comes from light. As such, it's easy to see why cultures would venerate the Sun. The Sun shines on the righteous and wicked alike, sharing with impartiality to all. If we wish to make plants more receptive to the light streaming in from the cosmos, we must add some carefully decomposed byproducts of light (humus and biodynamic preparations) so the plants "remember" who they are.
Goethean Observation - The Josephine Porter Institute

Apr 7, 2023

Goethean Observation

If, as Goethe says, "A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart" then what we carry in our hearts when we approach phenomena will determine what we find in the world. As such, a mood of love will help us see the value in even outwardly distasteful things. Diffuse gratitude will help us develop a relationship with the world, and even, I dare say, with manure. 
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