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Dead Warmth & Living Warmth (Part 2)
“I change my mind a lot… I don’t usually agree with what I say very much.” - David Bowie
“Even the seemingly most u...
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Equisetum and Fungus: Good and Bad
In a prehistoric epoch, the earth was too hot for water to condense into rivers, lakes, or oceans. Instead, other co...
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Discovering Spiritual Concepts in Nature
What we experience in the world always begins as the outermost surface of things. If it is a flower, we see the ligh...
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The Reality of the Zodiac
On our farm, we raise sheep, hogs, cattle, geese, and a variety of other animals. One thing you’ll notice is that e...
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How To Balance Biodynamic Soils: a Comprehensive Guide
“Life is a universal omnipresent principle, and nothing is without life. In some forms life acts slowly—for instanc...
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When Should I Spray Biodynamic Preparations
One question I’ve frequently encountered is: when should we spray out the biodynamic preparations?
I do not think i...
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JPI Book Announcement!
We are releasing a new title with SteinerBooks, Biodynamics for Beginners: Principles and Practice, in which the “b...
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Devoted to Healing Our Earth
I know this doesn’t do justice to the enjoyment we all shared. The closest I can describe it is like the feeling of summer camp — but for grownups dedicated to healing the earth. What a joy such gatherings are for the inner child born within the soul. I mean this for you, dear reader: I hope you will be able to join us next time.
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Mice: A Farmer's Best Friend
When we consider Steiner's indications on "pest peppers" (remedies made to combat pests and weeds), you take the weed seed and destroy them either by fire or by rotting. Consider the rodent: the rodent lives primarily off seeds and yet, due to its incredibly inefficient digestive system, the rodent must consume its own feces to extract nourishment. What this really means is that rodents leave behind much of the vital potential of seeds when they eat them. The manure of rodents in the garden are nature's pest peppers.
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Secondary Objectivity
If biodynamics is used as a "magic potion" to fix all of a farmer's problems, the farmer is likely to judge biodynamics as "not working" even though biodynamic preparations never claimed to be such a panacea. If, on the other hand, biodynamics is used as a further expression of a farmer's love for the land and for fellow human beings, it can only improve the farm.
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The Return-Gift of Gratitude
We must remember we owe more than we can give and embrace gratefully the bounty the Earth gladly surrenders to us.
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Fungus & Threefolding
When Jesus drives the moneylenders and animals out of the temple, this is analogous to using Equisetum arvense to bring a healthy asceticism to plants, to starve out (so to speak) excessive inner planetary forces or lower animal impulses.
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