In biodynamic agriculture, preparations are of significant importance because they are “bio (life) – dynamic (energizing)” formulations...
Working in harmony with lunar, solar, and cosmic rhythms, the nine biodynamic preparations are made from fermented herbs, minerals, and cow manures...
Biodynamic preparations sit at the heart of biodynamic agriculture. They are also at the center of JPI’s mission, and are how we work to heal the earth and restore the health of our soil against negative environmental influences.
Spraying Biodynamic Preparations
All preparations may be “pre-activated” for better results in lukewarm water for several hours before spraying. Stir preparations in water for an hour. To stir biodynamic preparations, form a vortex in the water and then quickly reverse direction. Repeat. Strain. Distribute. The primary biodynamic sprays are horn manure and horn silica. Horn manure is stirred and sprayed out in large droplets on the soil in the evening when the shadows are growing long. Horn silica is sprayed as a fine mist on the leaves of plants at dawn as the sunlight first touches the plants. Horn manure is a soil spray, horn silica is a foliar spray. Horn manure and horn silica should be stirred for a full hour (60 minutes) before spraying. Barrel Compound and the Pfeiffer Field and Garden Spray are usually stirred for 20 minutes.
Step 1
Stir biodynamic preparations in rain water for an hour forming a vortex in the water and then quickly reversing direction to oxygenate the water and activate the microbes and plant compounds.
Step 2
Strain stirred preps if using a spray unit with a fine nozzle. The primary biodynamic preps Horn Manure BD 500 and Horn Silica BD 501 are stirred for an hour. Barrel Compound and the Pfeiffer Field and Garden Spray are usually stirred for 20 minutes.
Step 3
Spread using a natural fiber brush or a spray unit. Horn Manure, Barrel Compound & Pfeiffer on the soil in the evening when the shadows are growing long.
Horn silica is sprayed as a fine mist on the leaves of plants at dawn as the sunlight first touches the plants.
Using Biodynamic Compost Preparations
Biodynamic preparations can be used with any method of composting. Build a compost pile your favorite way and inoculate your pile and with the preps then cover to create optimal conditions for microbiology transformation. It is important to monitor both the temperature and moisture in the pile .
Step 1
Make five holes about 2ft deep. Add each prep into each hole in the compost preparation. Backfill the holes.
Step 2
Stir Valerian prep in a bucket of rain water clockwise and counter clockwise for 20 minutes to activate then add to a watering can.
Step 3
Spray Valerian over compost pile. Then cover compost pile.