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Our Mission

JPI’s Mission is to heal the Earth through biodynamic preparations, education and research, and to build a dynamic integrated network so our legacy is accessible to all future generations. We work to support all farmers, gardeners, ranchers, and biodynamic enthusiasts in their making and use of biodynamic preparations.  

Our Vision

When envisioning the future, we see JPI working collaboratively with others – nationally, regionally, and locally – to further the biodynamic agricultural movement and the development of biodynamic preparation making as a craft and spiritual practice. Supporting projects include the building of an intellectual repository of research on Steiner inspired preparations, and the development of research methods used to evaluate the quality of biodynamic preparations and their effective use in the field. Through a growing and vibrant network of collaborations and associative economic relationships, our ultimate vision is healthier foods, healthier bodies, and a healthy planet.

Guiding Service Principles

Cultivating Natural Excellence

We strive to produce biodynamic preparations made from plants that we grow, or that are wild-crafted, chemical-free, or organic. All of the preparations are made from the highest quality natural materials available, and are non-toxic.

Nurturing Communities

We also support the success of our customers and the biodynamic agricultural community by striving to ensure that sufficient quantities of quality biodynamic preparations are available, and by providing educational workshops and materials, free phone support, and the prompt delivery of product orders.

Empowering Changes

As a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, JPI’s programs are funded through product sales and contributions. Mission-driven, we strive to keep the prices of our preparations affordable while also running fiscally sound operations. We do not measure our success in dollars but in the number of preparation units sold, acres of land served, and people who are reached through our educational and outreach activities.

Our Mission as a Nonprofit

As a nonprofit organization, we fulfill our mission by providing the following:

Biodynamic preparations for increasing microbiological diversity in the soil, enhancing nutrient density and flavour in plants and helping regenerate the environment and heal the earth.

We offer Biodynamic education through workshops, webinars and study groups. We participate in trials and studies that provide data to proveds the effectiveness of biodynamic practices.

We offer organic, biodynamic and regenerative agriculture consulting services.

Meet Our Team

At JPI we are on a mission to help make positive change in home gardens, communities and agriculture through creating bio-diversity.

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