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The Reality of the Zodiac

The Reality of the Zodiac


On our farm, we raise sheep, hogs, cattle, geese, and a variety of other animals. One thing you’ll notice is that even if you feed the same food to each animal, every animal only becomes itself. Paracelsus calls the inner metabolic wisdom of the living organism the “inner alchemist.”

Eating grass, a sheep becomes a sheep, a cow becomes a cow, and a horse becomes a horse. In each case, their manure has a different character. Whatever a horse doesn’t use; it leaves behind in its manure. Consider a pig: a pig can’t sweat. A pig gets fat. It is such a “warm” animal that its manure is very cold. When a horse and rider are in sync, working in unison together, a horse will froth at the mouth — its entire movement is watery dynamics, so a horse’s manure is very warm. The manure of each animal is a sort of “photonegative” of the animal’s character. 

When sheep eat grass, they leave behind an opposite image in their manure: whatever nutrients they didn’t need, they eject as manure. You could almost say that sheep manure has an “anti-sheep” quality. This is part of why the manure of an animal carries parasites: it’s already what the animal has rejected, and what an animal doesn’t need is a potential poison.

Over my years of farming here, I noticed a concrete connection existing between the planetary rulers of specific plants and animals on the farm. Forget the planets as you know them altogether for a moment. The dynamics of the planets are also at work down here, in microcosm, and relatively independent from the universe. Let me explain:

When our sheep grazed our wild rosa rugosa roses, they would erupt in beautiful new growth and abundant flowers. This happened consistently every year — until we introduced cows. Once the cows grazed there, in one brief season, all the roses vanished. What happened? The sheep provided something roses love. The cows consumed something roses needed.

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