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Gifts for the Soil
With biodynamics we are gifting to the soil a concentration of forces and a kind of "sweetness" that naturally wouldn't occur by chance in nature. And that is the secret of alchemy: taking things to their fulfillment when Nature, left to herself, could not do so.
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The Way, the Truth, and the Life
Biodynamics centers around fostering, of these three, LIFE. How people choose to use their life remains under their o...
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Devils & Angels
In Steiner's terminology, there are two aspects to what is often described as a single being in conventional Christia...
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Leavening Your Soil
The biodynamic preparations work a bit like specialized "yeasts" in compost and create a better final product. Are the biodynamic preparations absolutely necessary?
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Rudolf Steiner
How do we restore healthy life to the soil? We do this with responsible common sense farming, incorporating the latest scientific research plus biodynamic preparations. We don't have to exclude anything that works.
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What are pest peppers?
The charred dandelion seed can only rot, but the charred seed can only rot in a dandelionish way. This means you're really creating a pathogen vector by rotting these seeds, specifically something that will corrupt the seed-forming process of that specific species.
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Is Biodynamics Pseudosience?
What hypothesis does biodynamics as an intuition advance? That these special biodynamic preparations will measurably improve the quality of compost, hasten the formation of humus and the build-up of organic matter in the soil, and increase the nutritional value of crops. This hypothesis must be tested, but funding for research is a very different question!
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Build Soil Rapidly
“In the early days we ran trials. Depleted soil was deep ripped. We sowed the right species and applied 500 and had the well known results. In six years we raised the organic matter levels from 0.9% in the top 4” to approximately 12% and, varyingly, to 2.4% at 40” depth. Ripping exactly the same way etc, but without 500, the soil biology developed to 20 cm depth, no further. In modern farming the right soil treatment and the Bio-Dynamic preparations must be applied together."
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Common Sense & The Biodynamic Planting Calendar
If we plow when the soil is completely saturated, we will just create a horrible mess even if we make such a mistake on the "ideal" calendar time. Common sense must prevail when it comes to using the planting calendar.
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Spiritual Farming
In biodynamics, we collect what would normally disperse to the universe, particularly the reproductive energy of innocent flowers. We collect this outward moving desire, contain it, and then introduce this energy to the roots of plants. How often do essential oils diffuse down into the soil? Not often!
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Science or Faith?
When Steiner talks about "spiritualizing" the sciences, he means bringing a spiritual gaze to the research performed using the scientific method. He is not proposing the method itself change, but the gaze of intuition must always be brought to bear on the data science produces, or we would make very few connections at all.
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