
Alchemy & Crucifixion - The Josephine Porter Institute

Alchemy & Crucifixion

In alchemy, this mirrors the process of distillation. Alchemical mercury and sulfur (oil and alcohol) both distill readily when heated. This is Christ and the Good Thief. But the bad...

Alchemy & Crucifixion

In alchemy, this mirrors the process of distillation. Alchemical mercury and sulfur (oil and alcohol) both distill readily when heated. This is Christ and the Good Thief. But the bad...

CHRISTUS VERUS LUCIFERUS - The Josephine Porter Institute


The saying "Christus verus luciferus" means Christ is the true light-bearer, which overcomes the one-sided prejudices both of Lucifer and of Ahriman. Whatever light Lucifer has is a dim reflected light, as Venus...


The saying "Christus verus luciferus" means Christ is the true light-bearer, which overcomes the one-sided prejudices both of Lucifer and of Ahriman. Whatever light Lucifer has is a dim reflected light, as Venus...

Jacob Boehme - The Josephine Porter Institute

Jacob Boehme

Steiner offers a fascinating suggestion about Boehme and the alchemist Paracelsus: “One needs only to know Paracelsus and Jacob Boehme to know theosophy. Everything that they wrote is given from...

Jacob Boehme

Steiner offers a fascinating suggestion about Boehme and the alchemist Paracelsus: “One needs only to know Paracelsus and Jacob Boehme to know theosophy. Everything that they wrote is given from...

Freedom & Farming - The Josephine Porter Institute

Freedom & Farming

Imagine every farm being free in itself (freedom within the boundaries of the farm), of itself (free from dependence on outside inputs), and for itself (free to pursue its own creative expression within the farm). Moreover, imagine...

Freedom & Farming

Imagine every farm being free in itself (freedom within the boundaries of the farm), of itself (free from dependence on outside inputs), and for itself (free to pursue its own creative expression within the farm). Moreover, imagine...

Gifts for the Soil - The Josephine Porter Institute

Gifts for the Soil

With biodynamics we are gifting to the soil a concentration of forces and a kind of "sweetness" that naturally wouldn't occur by chance in nature. And that is the secret of...

Gifts for the Soil

With biodynamics we are gifting to the soil a concentration of forces and a kind of "sweetness" that naturally wouldn't occur by chance in nature. And that is the secret of...

The Way, the Truth, and the Life - The Josephine Porter Institute

The Way, the Truth, and the Life

Biodynamics centers around fostering, of these three, LIFE. How people choose to use their life remains under their own free power, but the principle of Steiner's impulse centers around everything being...

The Way, the Truth, and the Life

Biodynamics centers around fostering, of these three, LIFE. How people choose to use their life remains under their own free power, but the principle of Steiner's impulse centers around everything being...