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Wholeness & Holistic Farming - The Josephine Porter Institute

Apr 5, 2023

Wholeness & Holistic Farming

On the farm, we should imagine the farm as if it's a living thing that can be healthy or unhealthy and watch for where there's stagnation or inflammation. Look out at the field and you'll see dry spots or water-logged areas. Imagine that in your body as arthritis or bloating and you'll quickly grow more sensitive to how the farm organism "feels" and how to make it healthier. 
Does Biodynamics Work? - The Josephine Porter Institute

Mar 24, 2023

Does Biodynamics Work?

Most scientific epiphanies precede data collection. A scientist without any imagination is not likely to make creative intuitive connections between the data they collect. Biodynamics is such a creative intuitive leap. The science must follow afterwards, but those who utilize biodynamics can attest to significant changes in plant health, disease resistance, pest resistance, and flavor improvements.
Esoteric Biodynamics? - The Josephine Porter Institute

Mar 21, 2023

Esoteric Biodynamics?

Biodynamics is not an abstract philosophy but is drawn from the real world and its inner workings. Biodynamics is chiefly about what works and what can be in service of LIFE.
Beyond Organic - The Josephine Porter Institute

Mar 20, 2023

Beyond Organic

Biodynamics helps you go beyond merely avoiding what is toxic and helps you include what is vitalizing.
Reinventing the Wheel - The Josephine Porter Institute

Mar 18, 2023

Reinventing the Wheel

Biodynamics does not seek to "reinvent the wheel" nor should it.  Instead, biodynamics seeks to supply the necessary kinds of vitality necessary for each stage of plant growth. 
Liturgical Farming - The Josephine Porter Institute

Mar 16, 2023

Liturgical Farming

In an often forgotten view of the world, the human being is a microcosm of the cosmos. Everything that might exist in...
What is Biodynamics? - The Josephine Porter Institute

Mar 14, 2023

What is Biodynamics?

If you plug a lightbulb into a socket without enough energy, it doesn't shine very brightly. The same goes with putting plants into dead soil. We have to "recharge" tired soils with vitality from the cosmos. 
Conversion to Biodynamics - The Josephine Porter Institute

Mar 13, 2023

Conversion to Biodynamics

At the heart of it is this: life on earth depends on a constant supply of new energy from the cosmos. If the sun ever turn off, it would get pretty cold here on earth! 
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