
Does Biodynamics Work? - The Josephine Porter Institute

Does Biodynamics Work?

Most scientific epiphanies precede data collection. A scientist without any imagination is not likely to make creative intuitive connections between the data they collect. Biodynamics is such a creative intuitive leap. The...

Does Biodynamics Work?

Most scientific epiphanies precede data collection. A scientist without any imagination is not likely to make creative intuitive connections between the data they collect. Biodynamics is such a creative intuitive leap. The...

Music of the Spheres - The Josephine Porter Institute

Music of the Spheres

Everything relates to everything else, so to create holistic fertilizers, we should include "a bit of everything" in a way that mirrors the manifesting power of Creation itself.

Music of the Spheres

Everything relates to everything else, so to create holistic fertilizers, we should include "a bit of everything" in a way that mirrors the manifesting power of Creation itself.

The World of Ideas - The Josephine Porter Institute

The World of Ideas

What is believed must not just be affirmed, but deeply loved and valued and felt if it is to motivate fruitful action in the world. It is a danger to try to memorize biodynamic theory as...

The World of Ideas

What is believed must not just be affirmed, but deeply loved and valued and felt if it is to motivate fruitful action in the world. It is a danger to try to memorize biodynamic theory as...

Esoteric Biodynamics? - The Josephine Porter Institute

Esoteric Biodynamics?

Biodynamics is not an abstract philosophy but is drawn from the real world and its inner workings. Biodynamics is chiefly about what works and what can be in service of LIFE.

Esoteric Biodynamics?

Biodynamics is not an abstract philosophy but is drawn from the real world and its inner workings. Biodynamics is chiefly about what works and what can be in service of LIFE.

Beyond Organic - The Josephine Porter Institute

Beyond Organic

Biodynamics helps you go beyond merely avoiding what is toxic and helps you include what is vitalizing.

Beyond Organic

Biodynamics helps you go beyond merely avoiding what is toxic and helps you include what is vitalizing.

Reinventing the Wheel - The Josephine Porter Institute

Reinventing the Wheel

Biodynamics does not seek to "reinvent the wheel" nor should it.  Instead, biodynamics seeks to supply the necessary kinds of vitality necessary for each stage of plant growth. 

Reinventing the Wheel

Biodynamics does not seek to "reinvent the wheel" nor should it.  Instead, biodynamics seeks to supply the necessary kinds of vitality necessary for each stage of plant growth.